Baby and Child Seat

Safety and comfort provided as standard

Protect The Future

Protecting your child or infant in a protective car seat is the law. When you are scheduled to travel with a child in need of a car seat, we have you covered. Contact us immediately to help schedule your St Albans airport transfer service and car seat service today. We can include this for you at no additional cost. While we maintain a supply of baby and child seats, we do not automatically include one in every car. For that reason, it is advisable to contact us beforehand with any special requests.

Free Car Seat Service

While some other airport transfer services charge extra for this, we do it because we care. As long as you can provide us with prior notice, we are more than happy to accommodate you with as many car seats as you need. Over the years, we have helped secure the lives of countless children and infants. Give us a chance to protect your family and you won’t be disappointed.

Travel In Comfort

All the car seats we provide come in the best condition with the highest of safety ratings. Your baby’s safety should always come first and we’re here to help.

St Albans Airport Cars is your chance to get ultimate peace of mind.

Book your trip today.